K. Danse

Active since : 2013

A pluridisciplinary company involved in many production, mediation and research projects integrating dance and digital arts.

The choreographic approach of the K. Danse Company develops a contemporary movement language by the dialectic confrontation between the physical body (lived, experienced) and the visual body (seen, virtual).

A dance company involved in numerous creative projects mixing contemporary dance and digital arts. The choreographic approach of K. Danse develops a contemporary movement language by the dialectic confrontation between the physical body (lived, experienced) and the visual body (seen, virtual).

Jean-Marc Matos creates immersive performances (Immortal(s), Gameplay Level2, Myselves, Monster, Metaphorá, *Magh, etc.) and participatory interactive projects (RCO, BodyFail, Narcissus Reflected, Errance). He also dedicates himself to the making of site specific projects (ROUE, RCO in situ, Fées³).

PRODUCTIONS The main “fueling” creative activity

K. Danse produces performances (full long pieces and short pieces), informal and participative performances, inclusive productions, site-specific choreographies for outdoor and architectural spaces, telematics pieces connecting via internet distant cities and countries, VR projects, international collaborations.

MEDIATION A constant preoccupation for K. Danse

K. Danse directs numerous workshops on contemporary dance and digital arts, for children and adults. Other proposals include: lecture demonstrations, conferences, open rehearsals, theoretical courses, dance analysis.

TRANSDISCIPLINARY PLATFORM Creating synergies: an indispensable objective

Organization of transdisciplinary events / artistic advice / curatorship.

–> European funded Bodynet-Khoros project (2022-2024)
–> Collaborative platform Metabody_Toulouse (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 , 2022, …)
–> Euroregional « Dis-TDance » and “Ada ArtEina” projects (Occitania, Catalonia, Balearic Islands), Euroregion Pyrénées Méditerranée, 2021-2023
–> European research project WholoDancE (2016-2018, H2020 program)
–> Co-organizer partner of the European funded project Metabody (2013-2016)

ART-SCIENCE-DANCE PROJECTS A central axis for K. Danse

Art and Science research linked with technological development (partnership with scientific institutions and research Labs: IRIT, Research Institute in Computer Science, University Paul Sabatier of Toulouse, LRI Paris Saclay).

Toulouse (31500), France
We speak French, English, Spanish
Update : 06/08/2024
Myselves YouTube K. Danse channel
RCO YouTube K. Danse channel
Dance with the Digital conference
Immortal(s) 8 mn
EU WhoLoDancE project Team (Fabien Leprieult)
K. Danse's working space (DeepAI)
K. Danse's working space (DeepAI)
JM Matos with dancers Ambre Cazier, Marianne Masson et Pauline Lavergne (Fabien Leprieult)
Jean-Marc Matos (Antonio Camurri)
Team at work (Natalya Velikanova)
JMMatos with Salia Salou (cdcn La Termitère Ougadougou, Burkina Faso), Ahlam El Morsli and Wajdi Gagui (Cie Col'jam) (Wajdi Gagui)
Metabody_Toulouse workshop (Jaime del Val)
Metabody_Toulouse workshop (Jaime Del Val)
JMMatos with Ahlam ElMorsli Ougadougou (Wajdi Gagui)
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Other projects that showcase our skills and expertise
2020 - Le Ring – Scène périphérique – Toulouse

Dance and robotics: 3 women + 1 semi-autonomous animated machine.
It stages three dancers-performers, co-existing with a non-standard machine.
The performance explores new poetics within a dystopian Human vs Machine relationship.

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2018 - Pulsar The Open Art Prize

Interactive installation with performance.
Dance and artificial intelligence.
The body as the limit of computer code.
By bypassing the computer code through the invention of unconventional movement qualities, visitors can bring the system to “crash”.

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2017 - Institut français, Barcelone, Espagne

Participative performance via smartphones.
Playful confrontation between the Judo-Christian values anchored in our culture and the new values of our individualistic society that legitimizes narcissism and the cultivation of the self.

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Festival @ECOSS, Fabrica de Coats, Barcelone Festival pluridisciplinaire (Spain) - 2023
Investissements d’Avenir Soutien financier (France) - 2017
Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, équipe INRIA ex(situ, LRI (Paris-Saclay) Soutien financier (France) - 2017
Projet Phare 2017, la Diagonale Paris-Saclay Appel à projets (France) - 2017
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30ième anniversaire des relations UE-Turkménistan Théâtre Magtymgouli, Achgabat (Turkmenistan), 2023
Ada ArtEina Son Servera, Majorque, Iles Baléares (Spain), 2023
Les Mille Tiroirs Office de Tourisme (France), 2023
Programmation Centre culturel Bellegarde, Toulouse Centre culturel Bellegarde (France), 2023
Programmation ville de Villeneuve-Tolosane Théâtre Marcel Pagnol (France), 2023
Projet européen Bodynet-Khoros Casa de la Libertad, Zorita, Salamanque, Espagne (Spain), 2023
Festival Mercurio Palerme (Italy), 2022
Festival Rabia Aljassad Opéra de Tunis (Tunisia), 2022
Centre Culturel Bellegarde Toulouse (France), 2021
Festival Nemo Arts&Sciences Scène de recherche de l’ENS Paris-Saclay (France), 2021
FIAV Festival International d’Art Vidéo 21, Maroc Théâtre de l’IF Casablanca (Morocco), 2021
Inauguration du LabArt Ecole d’ingénieurs INSA de Toulouse (France), 2021
Mercurio Festival Palerme (Italy), 2021
Novembre numérique Tétouan, Fès (Morocco), 2021
EXPLORE! Scène de recherche de l’ENS Paris-Saclay (France), 2020
Festival Arts&Sciences CURIOSITas Conservatoire d’Orsay (Paris-Saclay) (France), 2020
FIAV (Video International Festival) Theater of the French Institute, Casablanca (Morocco), 2019
Festival Science in the City /ESOF Musée les Abattoirs, Toulouse (France), 2018
Vernissage d’Exposition L’Ardenome, Avignon (France), 2018
50 ans de l’INRIA CENTQUATRE-Paris (France), 2017
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