After the worldwide success of the film Valley of the Lost Ants, Minuscule returned to screens in 2019 with a second installment, The Mandibles from Far Away. Novelab co-produced an augmented reality play-and-educational mobile game inspired by the films.
Minuscule AR
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To coincide with the film's release in theaters (January 30th, 2019), Futurikon, licensed producer, and FLAIR Productions (co-producer of Minuscule 2), asked Novelab to co-produce an augmented reality game inspired by the films. Minuscule AR is a game for the whole family, suitable for children aged 5 to 10. Minuscule characters are integrated into AR, all around you, through your phone. The goal is to collect the Minuscule characters from wherever they are hidden around you, so that you can play with them!
- Developed for Android and iOS
- Sold on the App Store and Google Play
- 3 games
- Developed for families and children from 5 to 10
- ARkit/ARcore: detection of flat surfaces in order to overlay virtual content
The app works with ARkit/ARcore features which have been around since 2017. They can detect the flat surfaces that make up the player's physical environment (table, floor, walls, etc.) to overlay virtual objects. Once the virtual environment is structured on the physical environment, the player is free to move through the space and interact with virtual objects. In other words, all spaces adapt perfectly to this game and this form of augmented reality does not depend on the presence of specific markers.
Thus, the player can bypass and lift objects to try to find the Minuscules, but they must also be careful not to approach them too quickly so as not to frighten them..!
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