Scrollathon [skrohl-uh-thon, -thuh n] is a video or a mobile game that ironises the behavioural mechanisms we have incorporated into our daily digital lives and in particular our addiction to consulting our smartphones. The work is a humorous attempt to highlight our high-frequency relationship with mobile phones and digital platforms. Why, indeed, do we feel the need to continually check our newsfeeds? Why do these small screens take up so much of our attention?
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Scrollathon [skrohl-uh-thon, -thuh n] is a video or a mobile game that ironises the behavioural mechanisms we have incorporated into our daily digital lives and in particular our addiction to consulting our smartphones. The work is a humorous attempt to highlight our high-frequency relationship with mobile phones and digital platforms. Why, indeed, do we feel the need to continually check our newsfeeds? Why do these small screens take up so much of our attention? How does it shape our daily lives, our social environment? From early morning until late at night, we scroll through this endless stream of information, but where are we running to? In fact, it seems that we are still subject to Pavlovian conditioning. Intended to make us produce data, the design of our applications plays a central role in this, as does our lack of perspective and education regarding the uses of our new digital toys. Little by little, our screens are becoming the intermediaries for the majority of our social interactions. We must therefore learn to manage our online time better, otherwise our free time can no longer be called that.
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