Filipe Vilas-Boas

Active since : 2008
A person

Artist examining with humour our hypermodern times. Filipe Vilas-Boas develops a satirical critique of the notion of technological progress while he draws new possible paths. His installations, videos and performances involve DIY and AI, robotics and philosophy, astronomy and music, sociology and literature. Exhibited mainly in Europe, notably at the Tate in London, he is also one of the authors featured by the Ministry of Culture in Paris as part of the French Language and Francophonie Week.

Filipe Vilas-Boas was born in Portugal in 1981. He is a self-taught conceptual artist currently living and working in Paris. Without being a naive tech utopist or a reluctant technophobe, he explores our use of technology and its ethical and aesthetic implications. His installations, performances and conceptual artworks question the global digitalization of our societies, mostly by merging our physical (IRL) and digital (URL) worlds. 
His works were highlighted in the Portuguese Emerging Art Books, 2018 & 2019 Edition and have been shown internationally notably at Nuit Blanche Paris, the UNESCO, Biennale Siana, Le Cube, Fondation EDF, Quai des Savoirs, Maif Social Club, The French Ministry of Culture, Biennale Némo - Le 104 (FR), Athens Digital Art Festival, Monitor - Heraklion Contemporary Arts Festival (GR), KIKK (BE), Linz FMR (AU), DA Z (CH), Zaratan, MAAT Museum (PT) and at the Tate Modern (UK). 

Ivry-sur-Seine (94200), France
I speak French, English, Portuguese
Update : 15/05/2024
Tracks, ARTE Interview
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