Souche 2.0 is a video bas-relief depicting an "open-book" wall library. Only the cover of these books is present, with the title on the front and the summary on the back. The title is a translation of "Souche", in Russian, and the summary is a text also translated into Russian, summarizing the work's journey to date. It can be adapted in any other required language.
Souche 2.0
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The format of each book corresponds exactly to the dimensions of the cube surface of the original pyramid sculpture (cf. Souche). These covers are
fixed to the wall to form the movement of several open books, as if they were waves.
Artist: Anne-Sophie Emard
Creation: 2015 > 2022
Production: Anne-Sophie Emard | Co-produit par VIDEOFORMES
Video sculpture (video mapping) without sound, adjustable in size
according to the space in which it is installed.
To be supplied by the organizer:
Dark room (preferably 7.5m x 2.5m)
Wall painted matt black
1 ultra-high-resolution video projector
1 computer (Mac)
Requires on-site construction of a screen-support volume
Artist's presence required.
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