Urbanimal is a graphic journey in the public space, a visual and interactive treasure hunt to discover or rediscover a building, a district or even a city or a territory... Based on two elements which are geocaching and augmented reality, Urbanimal consists of 8 waypoints representing 8 posters of animal totems. Each illustration discovered comes alive in augmented reality and gives access to a new riddle to solve to find the next hiding place!
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Urbanimal is a journey through public space, an interactive treasure hunt to discover or rediscover a territory. It is based on two elements: geocaching and augmented reality.
Geocaching is an outdoor activity consisting in finding in nature or in the city, using a GPS or a smartphone, "hideouts" scattered over a territory. The idea behind this concept is to search and complete the points of the route until the final hideout, synonymous with victory and treasure.
Urbanimal adds another concept to geocaching, that of interactivity and augmented reality: technology that allows the superposition of reality and elements (sounds, 2D and 3D images, videos, etc.). When we reach a hideout, an interactive content allows us to find the next one.
Urbanimal, the city of animals, needs several important places to live in harmony. The purpose of exploration is therefore to "make the city", to find all the districts that make it up. For this, nothing could be easier, the journey starts from a poster "Animal/Neighborhood": it is the first neighborhood of Urbanimal.
The viewer aims at the poster with the app "Maison Tangible". The poster comes alive in augmented reality, and reveals the following riddle to find the hiding place. Each step therefore brings a new element of the city.
Eight points that can be changed according to the territory: we can imagine the route according to the places of exhibitions of a festival, the districts of a city, etc. The route can even be imagined indoors, in a large building.
The format of each poster can vary depending on its location, from a postcard hidden in a small closed box to a print on a very large tarpaulin.
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