Thomas Laigle

Active since : 2017
A person

Thomas Laigle is a French sound and visual artist based in Berlin. With a background in the performing arts - lighting and sound design - his work lies at the crossroads between the sound, visual and digital arts.

In the current technological progress where virtuality and immateriality are intensifying, he proposes sensorial experiences with a low-tech approach through a variety of media (audiovisual performance, installation, interactions with living beings, sound composition). In his artistic practice, light and sound are so interconnected that they become a single medium. His performances have been presented in France and Europe.

Since 2020, he has been creating visual works that combine technology and living beings. He is also co-curating Soft Incident, a body and sound performance series in Berlin.

Vernantes (49390), France
I speak French, English, Spanish
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Update : 21/06/2024
Boite Noire (Canal +) : Interview m-o-m
m-O-m [pulses] / concert-installation
m-O-m / concert-installation
ZENITH 2000K / concert-installation
Saturniidae Toccata / installation
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Experimance Festival Saarebruck - Silodom (France), 2023
Dernier des Mercredis de Montevideo Montevidéo, Marseille (France), 2022
La Nuit Immersive SUPER TOMORROW Église des Célestins, Festival d'Avignon (France), 2022
Mapping Festival Kzern, Genève (Switzerland), 2022
Tempers I Thomas Laigle Point Éphémère, Paris (France), 2022
Drac & Frac PACA / Les 4 étoiles CCAS, Six-Fours-les-plages (France), 2021
Electrons Libres Nantes - Stéréolux (France), 2021
Nuit Immersive #2 (Tracks Arte / Adami / Arty Farty) Lyon - Auditorium (France), 2019
Festival Interstice Caen - Centre Chorégraphique National (France), 2018
Festival Maintenant Rennes - Église du Vieux-st-Étienne (France), 2018
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