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Icecube Protocol is an immersive adventure halfway between a movie, a video game & an attraction, played in teams and in a colorful and fun virtual reality universe. Cooperation and team spirit are at the heart of the mission’s intrigue where participants embody special agents whose mission is to solve the mystery of the sudden disappearance of all ice on Earth. Icebergs, ice cubes, ice cream… everything vanishes. Clue after clue, they are immersed in a virtual journey full of humor, sensations and totally unique of its kind.
Cooperation X Action X Move X Reflexion
Icecube Protocol is a free-roaming adventure. In teams of 2 to 5 people, participants embody agents and are totally free to move. They can see each other, touch each other, talk to each other and perform collective actions in real time in a 828 sqf space.
Fun, Colorful & Sensational
The game pushes the boundaries of immersion thanks to the use of Environmental Effects, a 4D technology that includes vibrations, wind, heat and cold air synchronized with the Mission, while offering a high throughput of 20 players per hour (A new team of 5 each 15 minutes).
The Best Experience To Discover Virtual Reality
Icecube Protocol is an interactive film mixing the spy mission with the travel odyssey.
People can interact with each other but also have several landscapes to contemplate. The sense of humour helps the immersion of everyone.