Le Clair Obscur

Active since : 2002

DYS_LAB is a permanent artistic laboratory dedicated to new imaginations.

Gathered around Frédéric Deslias , artists, authors and researchers and engineers design representations at the crossroads of arts, sciences and technologies.

2020 marks a breaking point where reality and dystopia: DYS_LAB experiments with prototopia in order to offer a cognitive reservoir, a reflective support, and (re)find a grip on what could compose our future.

Caen (14000), France
We speak French, English
Contact the team
Frédéric Deslias
Artistic direction
Paul-Emile Skler
Update : 15/05/2024
#EXOTERRITOIRES (Quentin Chevrier)
Les Furtifs (Quentin Chevrier)
#COLONIE.S (Quentin Chevrier)
Le Clair Obscur
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Festival "Sur les épaules des géants" Le Havre (France), 2023
Festival NOOB Théâtre de l'Eclat - Pont-Audemer (France), 2023
Waterman Centre Londres (United Kingdom), 2020
Festival Safra'Numériques Le Safran, Amiens (France), 2019
L'Archipel Fouesnant (France), 2019
La Faïencerie Creil (France), 2019
Festival Marto Théâtre Jean Arp, Clamart (France), 2018
Scène Nationale Saint Quentin en Yvelines (France), 2018
Soph.I.A Summit Palais des Congrès de Juan-les-Pains, Antibes (France), 2018
Biennale d'arts numérique RVNn Espace Albert Camus, Bron (France), 2017
Festival Ecritures partagées Centre Dramatique National de Basse-Normandie (France), 2017
Festival FACTS Pessacs (France), 2017
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