Grand Large is an immersive and educational experience in augmented reality, unique in the world, to meet the giants that inhabit the Open Sea. Facing the largest basin in Europe, spectators witness a compelling and dizzying ballet in which the augmented marine species evolve in perfect harmony with the real species of the large bay of the French National Sea Center Nausicaá. The experience highlights the all too often harmful consequences of human activity on the abundant and little known ecosystem of the Open Sea.
Grand Large
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The result of a collaboration between SAOLA Studio and the French National Sea Center Nausicaá, GRAND LARGE is an immersive and dreamlike show that takes place in the Great Bay hall.
Spectactors are seated on the last stands of the Great Bay hall, facing the largest basin in Europe. Gathered in groups of 15 people, all equipped with augmented reality glasses, they are about to set sail for an unforgettable journey in the Open Sea. Starting point : Malpelo Island, the source of inspiration for the great basin, and cradle of an extraordinarily diverse and abundant wildlife.
Almost 7 months of work were necessary for the SAOLA Studio teams to model and animate the 9 species presented in the experiment. From the surprising sunfish to the Indo-Pacific sailfish and the gigantic Bryde’s whale, all the 3D creation phases were the subject of intense collaboration with the aquarium's teams and the validation of their college of scientific experts.
The educational ambition here is supported by an accessible and scientifically approved audio commentary, as well as by the documented and faithful reconstruction of scenes of life in the open sea, normally unobservable, such as the predation of a lion's mane jellyfish by a leatherback turtle, or the fascinating and tragic "Sardine Run".
It is then through its scenario that GRAND LARGE raises awareness of the dangers faced by marine species in the Open Sea, due to the omnipresent human activity even thousands of kilometres from the coast.
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