Created by musician Skygge aka Benoit Carré, Meta-Balades is a musical and visual experience shaped with the help of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) by musician Skygge and visual artist Ice Cream from images and sounds captured during a daily stroll through the city. New technologies make it possible to create new links between art and reality: a bird song becomes a medieval choral piece, the voices of an open-air market change into a rhythm, the image is transformed with the sound.
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Skygge wanders around the city to record all the everyday sounds that are characteristic of the urban space. The musician then works with different A.I. tools to generate new sounds, melodies etc. from these sounds. Skygge also films his walk with a smartphone. These short everyday moments are close to the popular format of stories on social networks. The videos are processed and edited in sync with the music by digital artist Ice Cream. "Meta-Balades" is an immersive installation that can be presented in a public space or in an enclosed area. The video images are projected on a screen and the sound is diffused on four speakers with a quadraphonic mix to amplify the immersive dimension.
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