Female muscle is upsetting for some. And controlling the female body has been at the heart of organised sport since the nineteenth century. This is the story of how women have fought their way into the world of sport, an arena jealously guarded by men.
Train Like a Girl
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In today's world, there are constant injunctions to have a firm, toned, and healthy body. It's undeniable that for many of us, achieving a muscular physique is an aspirational goal, sometimes within reach but often just a dream. For women, who were historically forbidden from participating in sports or faced restrictive conditions, it's an undeniable conquest, won through hard-fought battles against a male-dominated world.
However, as more and more women flock to fitness routines focused on abs and glutes, the numerous restrictions that still exist in female high-level sports cast light on the complex reality. Has sport truly liberated women, akin to the promises of a Moulinex gadget in the past? Are women in complete control of their own bodies? Through a juxtaposition of archival footage and contemporary debates, the concept of female muscle is dissected, exploring the intricate nuances of this multifaceted issue.
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