K. Danse

Active since : 2013

A pluridisciplinary company involved in many production, mediation and research projects integrating dance and digital arts.

The choreographic approach of the K. Danse Company develops a contemporary movement language by the dialectic confrontation between the physical body (lived, experienced) and the visual body (seen, virtual).

A dance company involved in numerous creative projects mixing contemporary dance and digital arts. The choreographic approach of K. Danse develops a contemporary movement language by the dialectic confrontation between the physical body (lived, experienced) and the visual body (seen, virtual).

Jean-Marc Matos creates immersive performances (Immortal(s), Gameplay Level2, Myselves, Monster, Metaphorá, *Magh, etc.) and participatory interactive projects (RCO, BodyFail, Narcissus Reflected, Errance). He also dedicates himself to the making of site specific projects (ROUE, RCO in situ, Fées³).

PRODUCTIONS The main “fueling” creative activity

K. Danse produces performances (full long pieces and short pieces), informal and participative performances, inclusive productions, site-specific choreographies for outdoor and architectural spaces, telematics pieces connecting via internet distant cities and countries, VR projects, international collaborations.

MEDIATION A constant preoccupation for K. Danse

K. Danse directs numerous workshops on contemporary dance and digital arts, for children and adults. Other proposals include: lecture demonstrations, conferences, open rehearsals, theoretical courses, dance analysis.

TRANSDISCIPLINARY PLATFORM Creating synergies: an indispensable objective

Organization of transdisciplinary events / artistic advice / curatorship.

–> European funded Bodynet-Khoros project (2022-2024)
–> Collaborative platform Metabody_Toulouse (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 , 2022, …)
–> Euroregional « Dis-TDance » and “Ada ArtEina” projects (Occitania, Catalonia, Balearic Islands), Euroregion Pyrénées Méditerranée, 2021-2023
–> European research project WholoDancE (2016-2018, H2020 program)
–> Co-organizer partner of the European funded project Metabody (2013-2016)

ART-SCIENCE-DANCE PROJECTS A central axis for K. Danse

Art and Science research linked with technological development (partnership with scientific institutions and research Labs: IRIT, Research Institute in Computer Science, University Paul Sabatier of Toulouse, LRI Paris Saclay).

Toulouse (31500), France
We speak French, English, Spanish
Update : 06/08/2024
Myselves YouTube K. Danse channel
RCO YouTube K. Danse channel
Dance with the Digital conference
Immortal(s) 8 mn
EU WhoLoDancE project Team (Fabien Leprieult)
K. Danse's working space (DeepAI)
K. Danse's working space (DeepAI)
JM Matos with dancers Ambre Cazier, Marianne Masson et Pauline Lavergne (Fabien Leprieult)
Jean-Marc Matos (Antonio Camurri)
Team at work (Natalya Velikanova)
JMMatos with Salia Salou (cdcn La Termitère Ougadougou, Burkina Faso), Ahlam El Morsli and Wajdi Gagui (Cie Col'jam) (Wajdi Gagui)
Metabody_Toulouse workshop (Jaime del Val)
Metabody_Toulouse workshop (Jaime Del Val)
JMMatos with Ahlam ElMorsli Ougadougou (Wajdi Gagui)
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