Centre des arts d'Enghien-les-Bains

Active since : 2002
Public institution

Center of creation, dissemination and artistic residences, the Center des arts is recognized as a stage of national interest "Art and creation" by the French Ministry of Culture.

The ambition of the Centre des arts (Cda) is to integrate any artistic form or language. Writing, whether scenic, visual, choreographic or museographic, is at the center of the project.

A transdisciplinary place, the Cda offers a varied artistic program (exhibitions of visual arts, dance, theatre, music, cinema, etc.) to which are associated a program of artistic workshops for young audiences and guided tours.

Various festivals also punctuate the cultural seasons, such as the Bains numériques (International biennial of media arts) and the PIDS Enghien (Paris Images Digital Summit) dedicated to digital creation and visual effects.

For companies that integrate its incubator, the Numeric Lab, the Cda constitutes a unique territory of experimentation at the crossroads of art and innovation.

Finally, a real center of experimentation and research in digital creation, the Cda has been developing international cooperation projects for many years. Founder of RAN (Digital Arts Network) in 2002, since 2014 he has been coordinating the sub-network of 22 media arts cities of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network.

Enghien-les-Bains (95880), France
We speak French, English, Spanish, German
Contact the team
Hélène Morales Icaza
Partnerships and development
Anna Hermouet
Partnerships and development
Update : 15/05/2024
Videos from the Centre des arts
Presentation of the Centre des arts
Centre des arts (Centre des arts)
Entrance hall of the Centre des arts (Centre des arts)
Stage on the lake (Nicolas Laverroux )
PIDS Enghien, International festival of cinema and visual effects (Centre des arts)
Soundcloud du Centre des arts
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