In 2016, Fabbula was born from the intuition that virtual realities are a practice ground for worlding a thicker present, opening up outcomes in the actual world. In the hands of contemporary artists, thinkers and activists, immersive virtual worlds become speculative fabulations of great transformative power. Inspired by contemporary thinkers such as Donna Haraway, Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing and Vinciane Despret, Fabbula supports experiences and worlds who have us rethink human inheritances and profound relationships with the non-human and help us leave an anthropocentric worldview and politics.
We disseminate the artworks of artists and collectives such as Vinciane Despret, Mélodie Mousset, Lauren Moffatt, Rindon Johnson, Marshmallow Laser Feast and DiMoDA. We curate and produce art shows (Devenirs Terrestres, VR Arles, Les Ailleurs, Palais Augmenté, Octobre Numérique - Faire Monde) and advise public and private actors (RMN-Grand Palais, CNC, Institut français, Fisheye, Atlas V).
We also publish printed, video and audio editorials about worlding and fabulation in the virtual age with our partners Klima, Immersion and Fisheye, and regularly run workshops and lectures in art schools such as ECAL in Lausanne, ERG in Brussels, ENSAD in Paris, Le Fresnoy in Tourcoing and Sciences Po Paris.
We commission and produce large scale digital artworks, translating radical thoughts into multi-sensory experiences with our curatorial programs such as Worlding with the trouble.
Our recent productions include Flowers for Suzanne Clair by Lauren Moffat, May the moon meet us apart, may the sun meet us together by Rindon Johnson, and Phonocene by Vinciane Despret, Mélanie Courtinat, Antoine Bertin and Fabien Siouffi.