Level Link Partners

Active since : 2024

LLP. has 20 years of experience and in-depth knowledge of the video game ecosystem, forming our legitimacy to provide expertise in production financing, innovation, growth structuring, and business development for video game companies and industry partners.

LLP. also supports public and local institutions to make video games a strategic lever for action in their territory. We organize exports mission abroad with french video game companies since 15 years 

LPP. boasts 20 years of experience and in-depth knowledge of the video game ecosystem, establishing the legitimacy of the company to offer its expertise to professionals and industry partners.

LPP. supports video game professionals in the following areas:

- Support for financing innovation and production (public programs such as CIJV, FAJV, regional grants and CIR, CII, Ip Box, etc.)

- Fundraising support

- Financial support (CFO as a service)

- Assistance in growth financing

- Facilitating networking and partnership creation, as well as business development.


LPP. also collaborates with public and institutional entities to make video games a strategic tool for territories.

Services include:

- Ecosystems management in the video game industry

- Video game strategies for territories

- Territorial attractiveness

- Export missions

Paris (75009), France
We speak French, English
Update : 15/05/2024
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Projects that showcase our skills and expertise
Game Camp France
2017 - SNJV / Game In

The french video game trade event

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