Madgik Yarn Studio

Active since : 2022

Madgik Yarn Studio is a video game studio created in the Rhône-Alpes region in France in May 2022 to self-edit our game : Vanova’s Stories.

The company’s goal is to produce narrative and stylized games.

Our main production is therefore aimed at players, but we also offer a subcontracting service for other studios and companies.

We provide various services such as graphic production, narrative design, game design or the creation of mini-games.

Madgik Yarn Studio was created in order to self-publish Vanova's Stories, the graduation project of the studio's four founding partners. The company's objective is to produce games with a strong artistic direction and a strong narrative, thus creating new jobs in France.

Our main production is therefore intended for B to C but we also offer a subcontracting service in B to B. We provide various services such as graphic production, narrative design, game design or mini-game creation.

Our goal is to release Vanova's Stories on Steam during 2023. 

The spirit of the company advocates mutual assistance, benevolence and prohibits crunch. We wish to create a studio that is more in line with the human values of today and tomorrow.

Finally, we are followed, advised and strongly supported by several senior people from the Lyon video game scene who have greatly appreciated the concept of our game, which reinforces our choice to release Vanova's Stories.

Artemare (01510), France
We speak French, English
Update : 15/05/2024
Vanova's Stories - Indie Game Trailer FR
The Madgik Yarn Studio team: Arnaud Quincy Narrative Designer, Maxime DEROSIER Game Programmer, Marina LETENDRE Producer, Océane NAVARRO Art Director, Quentin FRICOU Lead Programmer. (DA & Illustratrice : Océane NAVARRO ; Productrice : Marina LETENDRE)
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