Stéphane Bissières

Active since : 2008
A person

Stéphane Bissières is composer and New Media artist. He lives and works in Paris and Bordeaux, France.

His creation is a reflection on our relationship to technology and hybridization of the living.

Inspired by the minimalist current, his sound and kinetic creations explore the repetition of patterns to influence the perception of time and space.

He exhibits notably at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Shenzhen, at the Nuit Blanche in Paris, for the Biennale Némo at 104 in Paris, etc.

Stéphane Bissières is interested in the concrete representation of data and more generally in the materialization of virtuality in order to translate the brutal and profound transformations that society undergoes, but also to provoke wonder and questioning in the observer, to give him the feeling of being a witness.

He draws his inspiration from mathematical models and the observation of their expressions in nature. He transposes musical writing mechanisms to his kinetic creations by considering this writing in the form of algorithms rather than scores. He thus develops a generative approach to explore the notion of artificial life by building dynamic systems capable of generating infinite variations with a recognizable common character, such as a genetic code.

Exhibitions (selection)

Contemporary art museum de Shenzhen (China), The Exchange Gallery (Falmouth, United Kingdom), Station Beirut (Lebanon), Nuit Blanche (Paris, France) galerie Plateforme (Paris, France), Le Cube (Issy-Les-Moulineaux, France), Biennale Némo (Le Le CENTQUATRE-PARIS, France), etc.

Concerts (selection)

Festival de Cannes (France), Solidays (Paris, France), Petit Palais (Paris, France), Nouveau Casino (Paris, France), Cité des Sciences (Paris, France), Nuit Blanche (Brussels, Belgium), Moscow Arts center (Russia), Plug (Sheffield, United Kingdom), Amber (San Francisco, USA), The Grand (Oakland - USA), Modern (Vancouver, Canada), etc.

Paris (75008), France
I speak French, English, Spanish
Contact the team
Julien Taib
Update : 19/01/2023


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Biennale Némo Le CENTQUATRE-PARIS, Paris (France), 2021
NEGOTIUM Marché d'intérêt national, Grenoble (France), 2020
Shenzhen Design Week Museum of contemporary art Shenzhen (China), 2019
Bruyantes Mécaniques Galerie Plateforme Paris (France), 2018
Games as arts The Exchange Galery (United Kingdom), 2018
Nuit Blanche Paris Paris (France), 2018
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