Dads & Mums

by Julien Levesque
Institut français program
Escape, digital generations

In this new era, media shaped by artificial intelligence are redefining the role of the author, the way of thinking about creation and our perception of information. Inspired by a photographic experience in his childhood, the artist uses here a generative AI program to complete and repair the missing part of a failed photograph (severed heads) when it was taken. Through a collage of images, the work Dads & Mums presents as many possible combinations, creating a dialogue between

Online experience
In-situ experience
Suitable for all audiences
from 1 to 3 minute(s)
Multiple languages
Update : 04/06/2024

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We have undeniably entered a new era where all types of media can now be generated by artificial intelligence. This new era of creation disrupts not only the status of the author but also our ways of thinking about creation, of perceiving information, of detecting truth from falsehood.

Dads & Mums is an artistic exploration that questions the boundaries of visual creation by integrating artificial intelligence (AI) as a creative partner. This work combines a personal photographic archive with AI-generated faces, creating a dialogue between past and present, between human and machine.

The artistic intention behind Dads & Mums is multiple. First of all, the work seeks to challenge our conception of authorship and authenticity in a context where digital technologies evolve daily. By using generative AI to complete an initially “failed” image taken by the artist in his childhood, this creation questions the notions of truth and “fake” fabrication in visual representation. Dads & Mums also explores the possibilities offered by AI in terms of artistic creation. By combining human visual elements with computer-generated faces (outpainting), the work highlights the ability of AI to produce visually compelling images while raising questions about identity and individuality in an environment digital. The image of the couple, of the association of two beings in this composition is also at work. How does this program form pairs? Does he associate faces with each other? With what logic, what intentions?

For exhibition purposes, the Dads & Mums photographic installation has been adapted through an online version.

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Online experience
In-situ experience
Multi-users - Solo
Interactive - Linear
Suitable for all audiences
Minimum age
7 years
Fee applicable
This creation is part of the exhibition Escape, Digital Generations initiated by the Institut français Find out more
Original language
Without dialogue
Without dialogue
Without dialogue
Computer (Mac, Windows)
Internet connection
Required to broadcast the artwork
Art ex-Machin IA, Angles Ronds (Canada), 2023
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Julien Levesque
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