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Originally, Les Murmures d’Ananké was a project commissioned by the 3rd arrondissement of Paris for the 15th edition of Nuit Blanche in October 2016. The collective developed a narrative performance set within a digital environment, aiming to create an interaction between the Dramatic Arts and the Digital World. The artistic research focused on augmenting the actor's body and acting techniques through the use of sound and light, establishing a reciprocal relationship between the actor and the digital effects.
A first artistic residency took place at the Château Éphémère in 2017, during which the scenography of the performance was created, with particular attention to the technical aspects of moving images. This research phase introduced the use of the parallax technique, enabling the creation of an immersive set by superimposing multiple animated layers. Each layer moves at a different pace, generating a sense of spatial depth. Additionally, we integrated direct interactivity between the actor’s body and the set, allowing the character to move freely and harmoniously within the digital environment.
To achieve this, programming and video game techniques were applied—an innovative approach in Theater and Scenic Arts.
In January 2018, the project gained the support of the Paris-Villette Theater, marking the start of the staging phase. In May 2018, ARpiS was awarded the Forte prize by the Île-de-France region, which provided financial support to the project. Finally, the project premiered in December 2018 at Le Cube in Issy-les-Moulineaux.