This captivating narrative delves into the origins of the video game industry in France, presented in ten episodes, each featuring a cult game. The creators of these games, as well as renowned YouTuber Benzaie, provide insightful commentary, offering a fresh perspective on these vintage games from a bygone era.
Retrogaming Made in France
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"Retrogaming Made in France" is not just another retro gaming series, it's the first of its kind - 100% retro gaming, 100% French. But more importantly, it's a series that offeres an authentic glimpse into the rich history of video games in France.
From Philippe Ulrich and "Captain Blood", Eric Chahi and "Another World", Eric Raynal and "Alone in the Dark", Paul Cuisset with "Les Voyageurs du temps", to Benoit Sokal and "Syberia" - behind the creation of these iconic hits, lies the untold story of the struggles and challenges faced by the creators. From navigating the complexities of evolving technology to dealing with the tensions between creators and producers, and most importantly, the radical eccentricity that allowed these "video game darlings" to make their mark on the international stage.
This series offers offers a rare behind-the-scenes look at the scene that contributed to the rise of a new art form, showcasing the remarkable achievements and indelible impact of French video game creators.
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