Veille infinie is a transmedia installation that stages and proposes a critique of the predatory strategies of the major platforms of the digital industry. How do they manage to keep us loyal to their services? Most often, they do it in a manipulative way, by breaking the traditional opposition regimes between public and private life, or between work time and rest time. Our lives are regulated by the devices we surround ourselves with: the modules that make up Infinite Watchfulness highlight this insidious influence.
Infinite Watchfulness
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Infinite Watchfulness is an immersive, video and plastic installation. It incorporates a virtual reality experience, a CGI short film, 3D animations conceived for various digital devices (a laser projector, holographic blocks, a LED panel) as well as several sculptures created thanks to computer assisted design and manufacturing.
Infinite Watchfulness is organized around the themes that structure the public debate concerning digital technologies today: the cognitive economy, the question of data sovereignty, the legality of attentional capture and profiling techniques.
Hyperconnection to global information networks has introduced a new normativity: we have the responsibility to be always available. In doing so, a time of our lives that is usually “unproductive”, the night, is nibbled away by utilitarian and commercial rationales.
Infinite Watchfulness shows how digital technologies have transformed our outlook regarding work, leisure and sexuality, under the effect of new constraints, inherent to the submission of our social relationships to computing.
The eponymous film, presented at the end of the course, also contextualizes the links that have always tied together psychology, mass media and advertising (from the commercial practices of Edward Bernays, the founder of "public relations" and nephew of Sigmund Freud, to the more recent work in cognitive psychology, which structures research in "captology" laboratories across the Atlantic).
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