Revivre is an immersive experience in augmented reality, based on the use of AR glasses. Taking place in the room of endangered and extinct species in the Grande Galerie de l'Évolution, at the National Museum of Natural History in Paris, it aims to bring back to life, through the magic of AR, some of the most emblematic extinct species of our era and aims to raise public awareness on the urgency of preserving biodiversity.
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The result of a co-production between SAOLA Studio and the National Museum of Natural History, in Paris, Revivre is an immersive journey through the room of endangered and extinct species in the Grande Galerie de l'Évolution. The experience, which has joined the museum's permanent collection, has been open to the public since the 16 of June 2021.
In Revivre, visitors, wearing augmented reality glasses, are invited to discover, in total immersion and along a scenarized, educational and dreamlike path, the life and characteristics of some of the most emblematic extinct species of our era (the Dodo, the Thylacine or Steller's Rhytine) recreated and animated by the studio under the expertise and validation of the Museum's scientists.
Through realistic modelling and animation, based on the latest scientific research, a poetic and cinematographic narrative and a didactic discourse, accessible to all, Revivre is a unique and spectacular experience serving a story and a message.
Revivre has a dual goal : to raise awareness, through the magic of AR, of the issue of preserving biodiversity, but also to highlight the museum's exceptional collection, as well as the fantastic architecture of the room of threatened and extinct species.
Revivre has been widely covered by the media and, since its opening, has been a great success with an enthusiastic and demanding public.
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