Time portal proposes a large scale facet sculpture similar to a gate. This portal is a geometric abstraction that contrasts with the environment with its monolithic shape. During daylight, it functions like a low relief sculpture, following sunshine drop shadows and colors. At night time, the video projection open the dialogue between light and volumes, revealing the true nature of the portal, distorting time and space.
Time portal
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Time portal is an installation mixing a triangle facet sculpture, video mapping projection and sound.
Time portal proposes a large scale facet sculpture similar to a gate. This portal is a geometric abstraction that contrasts with the environment with its monolithic shape. During daylight, it functions like a low relief sculpture, following sunshine drop shadows and colors. At night time, the video projection open the dialogue between light and volumes, revealing the true nature of the portal, distorting time and space.
The motion graphics projected on the facets are made of random waves displacement, creating an hypnotic movement on the surface of the sculpture. The visuals are sustained by an attractive soundtrack, inviting the audience to step through the gate. The overall imaginary refers to science-fiction movies, giving the feeling that time and space distorts inside this aspirating portal.
Time Portal offers an artistic allegory, popular yet accessible version of “multiverse” theories, through which time and space would be distorted. Many theories, from 400 years ago (Giordano Bruno) and mostly developed in the 20th century (Leonard Susskind) tend to anticipate how these portals through time or galaxies could work.

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