Active since : 2011

Founded in 2011, INVIVO is a collective of artists who come together through their vision and stage experiences in order to create unique stage forms on the front-lines of immersive arts, digital arts and theatre.

INVIVO produces shows placing the audience’s perception and immersion at the heart of their work focusing on how the viewer’s perceptions and sensations contribute to new stage-writing forms. They develop their own productions in a unique writing process, and collaborate with other artists and stage directors. They creates stage works on the frontiers of theatre and immersive and digital arts. In the development of their dramaturgy, technologies are at the heart of the talk and the fiction as much as they are used as scenic writing tools. The themes of dreams, sleep, the limit between real world, virtual and dreamlike, are all topics that cross their research. 

After Parfois je rêve que je vois (Sometimes I Dream That I See) and Blackout, INVIVO explored the future of sleep, dreams and technology on 24/7, an immersive show with VR headsets created in 2018. In 2019, the collective creates Céto, an immersive play for 18 years old children in which we follow a diver into a strange journey, turning into different intriguing creatures on underwater fund. Tesseract (0.00/0.00) create in 2020, is a visual and sound experience embodying the desire to represent the fourth dimension.
In 2021, the team will be working with classical theatre texts. Les aveugles, created the same year, is a VR play for 12 people, based on the famous text by Maurice Maeterlinck. The play won the Future is sen-sible prize at the 2022 GIFF (Geneva International Film Festival).
Scheduled for September 2024, La fin du présent is an adaptation of three short plays: Intérieur, L'intruse and Les sept princesses. With this direction, INVIVO and Julien Dubuc are radially pursuing their vision of hybrid theatre, at the crossroads of classical texts, theatre, immersive arts and digital arts.

Since October 23, INVIVO has been based in Agen and is associated with Julien Dubuc at the Théâtre Du-courneau and Les Gémeaux - scène nationale de Sceaux.

Agen (47000), France
We speak French, English
Contact the team
Emilie Briglia
Julien Dubuc
Artistic direction
Update : 13/06/2024
The Blind - teaser
Blackout (© Aurélie Jullien)
Sometimes I Dream That I See (© Marjolaine Moulin)
24/7 (© Margot Simmoney)
Céto (© Nicolas Richard)
Tesseract (0.00/0.00) (© INVIVO)
The blind (© Nicolas Richard)
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Les Gémeaux Scène Nationale de Sceaux (France), 2025
Théâtre Ducourneau, Agen (France), 2024
Espace Albret Nerac (France), 2024
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Les Gémeaux Scène Nationale de Sceaux (France), 2024
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LIEU UNIQUE & STEREOLUX Nantes (France), 2022
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GIFF - Geneva International Film Festival Genève (Switzerland), 2022
Les Composites, Théâtres de Compiègne /+/ NOOB festival, Théâtre de l’éclat (France), 2022
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