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Initiated by the Institut français, IFdigital promotes French digital creations and professionals, enabling them to showcase their work and expertise internationally.
It is aimed at the French cultural network abroad and cultural professionals around the world, enabling them to discover French artistic offerings in digital creation and integrate them into their programming. It provides them with qualified contacts to develop partnerships. Every year, IFdigital facilitates over a hundred events worldwide.
Programming Works and Discovering French Expertise
Digital art, immersive experiences, video games, innovative books, cultural outreach and education, web creation, sound creation: France stands out for the quality and diversity of its digital productions and expertise. Are you looking for French creations to enrich your programming and that of your partners, or for talents for collaborations? IFdigital offers several sections!
Do you want to discover or program creations?
Explore the IFdigital catalog using a multi-criteria search engine. Search by sector, creation format, theme, target audience, medium, and much more.
I’m looking for…
A virtual reality experience available in Chinese
An innovative book that deals with a historical theme for my FLE classes
I’m looking for a work suitable for a teenage audience, whose distribution is supported by an Institut français program
Institut français programs
The Institut français has a number of programs to support the cultural network in programming digital creations, which may include pre-negotiated rights or financial support. The works concerned are identifiable in the IFdigital catalog with the label “Institut français program.”
Promoting IFdigital
As a tool dedicated to the international promotion of French digital Cultural and Creative Industries, the IFdigital website is aimed at the French cultural network abroad, as well as cultural professionals around the world (cultural institutions, museums, festivals, production studios, trade shows, etc.) interested in French creation. The Institut français encourages the cultural network to promote IFdigital to its local partners to strengthen its visibility and impact internationally.
A bilingual French/English communication kit will be available soon.
Comparing and Sharing Content
To help you prepare your programming, IFdigital offers you the option to create personalized lists of your favorites. These lists allow you to compare multiple contents by format, duration, medium, or expertise, and can be exported or shared.
The Institut français’s
Digital Creation and Audiovisual Department
Within the Direction de la création artistique et des industries culturelles, the Digital Creation and Audiovisual department of the Institut français supports the cultural network in setting up actions to promote the international influence of French digital creation, and supports French professionals wishing to launch projects abroad.