
Active since : 2021

Onyo designs multi-sensory ecological fables.Thanks to spatialized sound recordings, lighted and interactive scenographic installations, and inclusive writing, we take your audiences to the heart of sensitive and fantastic stories about living issues.
True form of Immersive Art Therapy, we combine storytelling, well-being and ecology to disrupt your imagination, your spaces and your events.


1./ Onyo is first and foremost a new mythology: a new world, which allows us to discover other ways of living together. It is said that portals sometimes open to discover an unheard of world, the world of Onyo. By crossing them, you will leave for a dreamlike and sensory journey that will awaken your ecological consciousness. You will meet Kamis, magical beings with surprising power who work to create the ecological fables that govern the laws of this world.

2./ Which gives a glimpse of a sensitive approach to life: while the ecological emergency is a reality, we must develop a new sensitivity to the living, and renew the link with the ecosystems of life that coexist on Earth. Our creations tackle the Anthropocene and its imaginary: providential heroes give way to a collective narrative, guides are no longer masculine, plants and animals have a voice that must be listened to, regeneration becomes a saving action in the heart of our societies.

3./ through multi-sensorial (but mainly sound) immersive installations: We create immersive experiences that invite participants to disconnect from screens, to leave the field open to imagination and to the rediscovery of primary senses. These experiences are what we call "breaks of wonder".

4 / Discover the Tree of Light , our first creation: in time immemorial, a sun spirit placed his heart in a tree. When it became the Tree of Light, the darkness of the world disappeared. Life shone forth. But the energy of the Tree of Light is not eternal. Every hundred years, the living gather to restore its flame. Its regeneration ritual begins soon and you will be part of it with 11 other participants. The experience takes place in a travelling yurt, to awaken the imagination. Once the threshold is crossed, the participants discover an interactive light sculpture and a hyper-realistic spatialized sound (binaural) that reveals a new world, with blurred borders between reality and imagination.

5./ Our breaks are declined to multiply the impact with online listening and workshops that allow to go further.

Paris (75018), France
We speak French, English, Spanish
Contact the team
Yann Garreau
Conception and design
Charlotte-Amélie Veaux
Update : 12/04/2023
The Tree of Light
Charlotte-Amélie Veaux - Production - Onyo (Mariko Kieffer)
Yann Garreau - Concept & Design (Mariko Kieffer)
Extract of The Tree Light
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