Active since : 2009

For fourteen years OPLINEPRIZE, an event recognized as being of public utility, has played a major role on the contemporary art scene by awarding a digital, intergenerational prize open to all.

Today, OPLINEPRIZE meets four major objectives :
- Democratize access to contemporary art by using digital tools.
- Create links between emerging artists, opinion leaders and internationally renowned creators.
- Develop a vast community in which businesses and cultural institutions come together to activate the creative scene.
- Promote transversality between the artistic scene and digital developments.

More than just prizes, OPLINEPRIZE is above all a community that makes it a real success today. 

More than 150 curators and more than 200 artists were presented, and many exhibitions were initiated. More than 300 000 followers follow the prize on social media and more than 200 000 contacts are generated each year.

Artists of all generations, from all backgrounds and all cultures are represented OPLINEPRIZE has the will to defend art in all its forms while having a particular attachment to new media and new technologies.

Paris (75000), France
We speak French, English
Contact the team
Michèle Robine
Update : 16/01/2023


Projects that showcase our skills and expertise

The 14th edition of OPLINEPRIZE is launched. This year, it is the theme “Sublimation” proposed by Maurice Benayoun, guest artist of honour.

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