Studio Popincourt

Active since : 2021

What we do : virtual, augmented and mixed reality.

We work for cultural institutions and artists wishing to share a new emotional register to their current audiences or to raise awareness among new audiences.

Short, creative formats
We bring powerful imaginary worlds to life with high standards of storytelling and aesthetics.

Art as a starting point
We assert our cultural and artistic roots, at the crossroads of the cinematographic, performing and visual arts.

Directors first and foremost
We bring a unique, sensitive and different perspective to storytelling, thanks to our experience as directors.

At the heart of the show
Offering spectators a rare moment of complicity. The privilege of a subjective point of view, at the very heart of an artistic performance (theater, opera, dance...), for unparalleled emotions and a feeling of proximity.

Wide-angle music
Adopt for a brief moment the position that no spectator will ever be able to occupy, as close as possible to the performers. Feel the intensity of the relationship between the artists.

In the intimacy of a work of art
Enter a usually inaccessible space, have it all to yourself, experience the privilege of an intimate relationship with the site and the works of art on display.

Paris (75011), France
We speak French, English
Update : 11/06/2024
Figures - Teaser
Jouer ! - Teaser
Studio Popincourt
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Other projects that showcase our skills and expertise
Door 8, horrific cabaret
2023 - Munstrum Théâtre

At nightfall, if you dare, enter the dark and narrow rue Marivaux, advance cautiously to door number 8, push it open ... and join an incredible musical ghost train

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ArchiBeethoven - Sonata form
2021 - Valérie Lesort et Christian Hecq

The starting point is an approach developed by conductor Laurence Equilbey. She has devised a visual representation of the sonata form to help us grasp its overall coherence, its articulations and its construction principles.

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SeineLab Seine Musicale (France), 2024
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