This 2m high monolith plunges us into a graphic and musical interpretation of the scientific theories related to the great enigmas of the cosmos. The whole is a sequence of 6 contents (about 25 min): Theory of black holes | String theory | Theory of wormholes | Chaos theory | Theory of dark matter | Theory of eleven dimensions. The correlation between the support and the content is created in their relationship to infinity: the monolith, support, creates the sensation of infinity when the content makes it explicit.
Monolithe de l'Infini
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A monolith is basically a single block of stone, either natural or carved by man. But through civilizations, this block has taken on several symbolic meanings: in the case of menhirs, their observation has shown that they would be directed towards certain stars because they are considered as doors to the universe.
The monoliths are also seen as the link between the Earth and the Sky. The Earth, symbolizing human knowledge is then put in opposition with the Sky, the Universe and the enigmas which compose it.
The work "Monolith of Infinity", with a height of 2m, creates a door that plunges us into the theoretical process of cosmological phenomena. A journey in 3 dimensions to the depths of the infinitely large and infinitely small.
This journey is translated into a graphic and musical interpretation of the great enigmas of the cosmos. The whole is a sequence of 6 contents: Black Hole Theory, String Theory, Chaos Theory, Wormhole Theory, Dark Matter Theory, Eleven Dimensions Theory.

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