Unframed Collection

Active since : 2024

Unframed Collection is the first VOD platform dedicated to the distribution of virtual reality experience in the cultural field: museums, heritage sites, galleries and art centers, media libraries... This platform will be the missing link between content and cultural venues. In addition to a catalog of experiences in operation, it will offer a set of additional services such as training, networking and customized support.

Unframed Collection is the first VOD platform dedicated to the distribution of virtual reality experience in the cultural field: museums, heritage sites, galleries and art centers, media libraries...

This project responds to the strong demand of the public and these places towards immersive experiences, but also to the need of the virtual reality industry to structure its distribution and promotion networks, and more specifically the offline distribution, known as Location Based Entertainment - LBE. International producers, studios and artists are at the forefront of original VR creations, but their productions suffer from a lack of visibility. At the same time, cultural venues have to renew their programming and boost their digital offer.

At the initiative of this project, Lucid Realities is at the center of all these challenges and has shown its ability to create ever more innovative business models. Today, we think we are the best placed to federate many partners and to lead this ambitious project in which we strongly believe. This platform will be the missing link between content and cultural venues. In addition to a catalog of experiences in operation, it will offer a set of additional services such as training, networking and customized support.

Paris (75011), France
We speak French, English, Spanish, Italian
Update : 10/06/2024


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Stéréopsia Meilleure expérience éducative (Belgium) - 2021
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Sundance (United States), 2022
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Sandbox Immersive Festival Beijing (China), 2019
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