Active since : 1986

VIDEOFORMES is an observatory of trends and a laboratory for the production and dissemination of emerging art forms in which digital technologies and poetry define possible worlds.

VIDEOFORMES has been an artistic production and distribution structure in the field of video and digital art since 1984. Every March, VIDEOFORMES organises an annual international festival of the same name in Clermont-Ferrand, showcasing the latest in digital creation: installations, videos, performances, multidisciplinary digital creations, and talks on themes covering the creative industries and societal developments linked to digital technology.

Every year, VIDEOFORMES hosts artists' residencies, takes part in national and international cultural events, and offers a programme of experimental multidisciplinary performances (VIDEOBARS), a digital magazine (Turbulences Vidéo | Digital and Hybrid Arts), a digital archive and a programme of artistic and cultural education initiatives.

VIDEOFORMES is a member of the HACNUM, Le DAMIER & Festivals Connexion networks.

CLERMONT-FERRAND (63000), France
We speak French, English, Spanish, Dutch
Update : 15/05/2024
VIDEOFORMES presentation
Anne-Sophie Emard, Les Éperdus, VIDEOFORMES 2022 (Anne-Sophie Emard)
John Sanborn, The Friend, VIDEOFORMES 2022 (Loiez Daniel)
Agnès Guillaume, You said love is eternity, VIDEOFORMES 2023 (Maëlle Skorczynski)
Kafka, La zone du dehors, VIDEOFORMES 2023
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Other projects that showcase our skills and expertise

From 16 March to 8 April 2023, the 38th edition of the VIDEOFORMES Festival took place in Clermont-Ferrand, showcasing the latest in hybrid and digital creation: installations, video competitions, performances, multidisciplinary digital creations and talks.

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VIDEOFORMES publishes a quarterly magazine dedicated to hybrid and digital arts since 1993. All the magazine's archives are available online.

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ISEA 2023 / Arts En Balade 2023 / Blaise Pascal 400 ans : un génie Clermontois / VIDEOFORMES Chapelle de l’Oratoire : 14, rue de l’Oratoire | Clermont-Ferrand (France), 2023
VIDEOFORMES 2023 Clermont-Ferrand (France), 2023
Europe & Beyond Theatro Circo, Braga (Portugal), 2022
Galerie Meno Parkas Kaunas (Lithuania), 2022
VIDEOFORMES 2022 Clermont-Ferrand (France), 2022
Institut Français en Russie Ekaterinbourg, Rostov sur le Don, Saratov, Pskov et Oufa (Russian Federation), 2021
VIDEOFORMES 2021 Clermont-Ferrand (France), 2021
Journées Européennes du Patrimoine Chapelle de l'Oratoire, Clermont-Ferrand (France), 2019
Jours de Lumière Chapelle Sainte-Madeleine, Saint-Saturnin (France), 2019
VIDEOFORMES 2011 Clermont-Ferrand (France), 2011
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